Why Toys”R”Us used OpenAI’s Sora to create an AI-generated video

By Marty Swant

As Toys”R”Us continues to seek a successful post-brick-and-mortar future, it’s hoping a new AI-generated video helps portray the dreams and magic of its founder.

Using Sora, OpenAI’s text-to-video platform, Toys”R”Us created a video depicting an AI-generated version of a young Charles Lazarus, who founded the company in 1948, and his father in an old-time bicycle shop. The one-minute film, which debuted this week, transitions to a dreamscape filled with toys and the brand’s mascot, Geoffrey the Giraffe. As Lazarus falls asleep, he is shown walking through the dreamscape as a narrator says, “Toys ‘R’ Us was the dream of Charles Lazarus. May all of your dreams come true too.”

The goal was to a modernize the brand’s while also honoring Lazarus, who was born a century ago and died in 2018, said Kim Miller Olko, Toys”R”Us global CMO. Following its private premiere of the AI video during last week’s Cannes Lions Festival, it’s unclear if Toys “R” Us plans to use the video in any paid media. For now, the video appears on various online channels including YouTube and Instagram. The financial details of the partnership with Sora were not made available.

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Author: Aaron

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