What a new TV show and its parallel mobile game say about the future of entertainment across media
In today’s entertainment landscape, transmedia is the buzzword du jour — and gaming is driving the narrative. The trend was on full display earlier this week, when the creators of “DC Heroes United” announced that the series would launch alongside a parallel mobile game.
It’s no secret that Hollywood and gaming have been involved in a romance for the past two years. These days, intellectual property holders understand that it is necessary for their properties to exist across multiple formats to truly capture the attention of modern audiences.
Genvid Entertainment’s new television series “DC Heroes United” takes the trend one step further by interweaving the series’ narrative with a video game in real time. Announced on Nov. 11, the cartoon show — which follows the adventures of DC Comics’ Justice League — is interspersed with decision points featuring scannable QR codes that direct viewers to the mobile game via the Apple App Store or Google Play.
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