The Best Time to Send an Email [Research]
Here’s a little exercise for you: Check the timestamps on the emails you’ve gotten in the past day. What have you found? For me, I noticed that most of my emails, especially my subscription emails, were sent between 9-10 AM, or 5-6 PM.
This isn’t a coincidence, either.
While the answer to “What’s the perfect time to send an email to my customers?” isn’t an exact science, there are some key findings we’ve discovered through heavy research, and those times listed above are right in line with what we found. Keep reading to find out the best time to send an email, according to our findings.
The data reflects when most audiences begin their day and throughout the afternoon.
If you’re sending emails that include a sale or promotion, try sending them during the times your audience tends to take their lunch breaks simply because they may be more likely to check their emails at this time.
If you want something more specific when it comes to what time and day you should send an email, here’s what you need to know:
In our survey, we asked marketers which day of the week their marketing emails get the most engagement. 22.6% of U.S. marketers said Monday, 24.9% said Tuesday, and 21.3% of U.S. marketers said Wednesday.
When we asked those same marketers which time of day their emails get the most engagement we found that 34.9% said 9 AM to 12 PM and 27.6% said 12 PM to 3 PM.
From this data, it looks like the best days for seeing engagement fall during the first three days of the workweek, particularly between 9 AM and 3 PM.
For example, to send a customer an incentive, such as gift card from Rybbon, they are more likely to see it during that time.
Keeping your audience in mind is a good tip for figuring out the time to send your emails. If your buyer persona is a professional with a nine-to-five job, sending emails during their ideal downtimes is the best.
You can also use tools like to retain customers and boost leads.
Why Email Matters For Your Business
In our survey, we found that 85.4% of marketers leverage automation as part of their email marketing strategy. Therefore, if you aren’t leveraging automated email marketing your competition probably is.
Automated email marketing provides a chance for you to improve sales conversions — maybe even by 14%. It’s a way to send customers unique offers — such as product sales or newsletters updates — with information your reader can’t get anywhere else.
Emails should be personalized with what your customers want to see, allowing you to communicate with them instantly. Your emails should contain information your customers are interested in learning more about — such as discount offers, business updates, or …read more
Source:: HubSpot Blog