Lead Generation: What is it, Effective Strategies & Tools
By Neil Patel
Lead generation is the process of creating consumer interest in your products or services. With lead generation, you can attract leads (your potential customer) into a marketing software system with the hope of nurturing them through the buying process.
Once a lead is generated, you can then instruct them about your offerings and begin converting them into a customer.
Without leads, your business will most assuredly fail, so today, I want to show you proven hacks that will grow your leads by 113 percent.
Ready? Here are my top lead generation tips.
What Is Lead Generation?
A lead is a person who indicates an interest in your product or service.
Lead generation is the process by which you generate this interest, and place people in your sales funnel. In inbound lead generation, this is most likely to happen by someone filling out a form and giving you their contact details.
Marketers, particularly B2C marketers, rely on several channels to drive leads to their businesses and boost their conversion rate:
- paid ads
- social media
- landing pages
Often, these channels don’t yield results marketers can bank on though. If you’ve spent a lot of time creating content, hoping to attract the right leads, but you still aren’t getting results, it can be discouraging. Hear this: you’re not alone.
At one time in my content marketing career, I struggled to acquire leads.
With a renewed focus on lead generation, I was able to turn this around, and you can follow these tips to do the same thing.
Why Is Lead Generation Important for Businesses?
Lead generation is a key goal for most businesses because, without leads, there are no sales, and consequently, no revenue.
Sure, a firm may have several important goals, but a large percentage of organizational goals focus on lead generation. When done well, lead generation can nurture qualified prospects from tentative interest all the way to the customers and ambassadors your brand relies on.
Lead generation is important because it asks the fundamental question, “what does your potential customer want?”
Once you’re able to answer that question and tie it to a high-converting landing page, you’ll consistently generate leads. You’ve still got to turn the lead into a customer, but it’s the starting point, and once you’ve got a sales pipeline full of leads, it’s much easier to tweak your sales strategies.
6 Proven Lead Generation Hacks
Hack #1: Lead generation starts at home—review your homepage messaging
For most marketers, their homepage receives the most visits. Tandberg (since acquired by Cisco), a leader in the field of teleconferencing,increased its lead generation by 50% from a simple homepage CTA that blended with other elements such as the headline, subtitle, and images.
If you’ve been actively promoting your site, your homepage will begetting visitors from referring sites, social media sites, search engines and other sources.
Stuart J. Davidson shared how he reached140,753 page views within twelve months, since re-launching …read more
Source:: Kiss Metrics Blog