Lacking financial incentives, sustainability remains a hope, not a promise, in digital advertising next year
Sustainability is currently up against a myriad of other challenges that face the digital advertising industry when it comes to which focus will take priority in 2024. And while the ultimate incentive to address the industry’s carbon emissions issue is pretty clear — ahem, global catastrophe — there are not currently sufficient incentives nor sufficiently coordinated efforts to rally advertisers, agencies, publishers and ad intermediaries around the issue.
While many agency, ad tech and advertiser voices have started talking about the need to prioritize sustainability, going as far to include questions about carbon emissions in request for proposals (RFPs), SSP execs and buyers agree that it doesn’t appear that much is being done yet to actually incentivize sustainability and cohere industry members’ individual efforts to cut carbon emissions.
“This feels like yet another thing that publishers are being saddled with the custody and are unilaterally being the responsible party to solve [the problem] when, frankly, we’ve been put in this position by the nature of the programmatic ecosystem,” said a programmatic revenue exec at a media company who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
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Source:: Digiday