I Tested 7 AI Tools for Graphic Design, Here Are My Favorites
Graphic design has come a long way since I started in the arts nearly a decade and a half ago.
Improvements in tools like Photoshop or my personal favorite, Procreate, from then to now have helped remove creative roadblocks and speed up the design process. Then, user-friendly design tools like Canva have made design more accessible to non-specialists.
Now, it’s 2024, and we find ourselves in the throes of the “AI revolution.” We’re met with a ton of AI tools for graphic design that promise to streamline our creative workflows and more.
But is the juice really worth the squeeze with these tools? Today, we find out.
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Why use AI for graphic design?
From removing creative blocks to saving time, here are three reasons to consider adding AI to your graphic design process.
Remove Creative Blocks
One of the main benefits I’ve found by using AI is that it helps me remove creative blocks.
So, when I’m writing and hit a wall, rather than staring at a blank screen, I might ask ChatGPT to generate an example use case for something. Even if the text it generates is clunky and unusable, it at least gives me a starting point.
When it comes to design, specifically, the same goes for something like color pairing. Without AI assistance or pre-created palettes, I struggle to choose more than one color for a design. (As you’ll see later, a specific AI tool for graphic design can help remove that creative block.)
Creative Experimentation
As an Illustration graduate who specialized in printmaking, I can tell you first-hand that creative experimentation in real life gets messy.
Not only is the process often messy, but it can take up a lot of space. Before you know it, multiple physical versions of your experimentations are mounting up, and the next issue is where to store them.
Aside from that, non-digital creative experimentation is often riskier. Without the faithful “Ctrl Z” or equivalent at your disposal, you’re always one move away from ruining a design. The crux? It’s enough to put you off even trying, and that’s not good for business.
But I’m not just some random ex-art grad on a soap box lecturing you about creative expression without just cause. I’m also a business owner shouting from the rooftops about one key fact: Experimentation is the driving force behind innovation.
So, the more you can encourage it in yourself and, if relevant, your organization, the better.
Save Yourself Time
There’s a reason 95% of professionals using AI say it helps them spend less time on manual tasks. And a further 83% say it helps them focus on the creative aspects of their role.
Through automation, AI can help you …read more
Source:: HubSpot Blog