How to Grow Your YouTube Channel [New Data]

Did you know that YouTube currently has 2 billion active users a month and is projected to grow to almost 3 billion active users by 2025?
It’s one of the fastest-growing and most popular social networks today. Plus, it helps people grow their businesses.
In fact, the number of channels earning six figures per year on YouTube grew more than 40% y/y, the number of channels earning five figures per year on YouTube grew more than 50% y/y, and the number of channels with more than one million subscribers grew by more than 65% y/y.
Now, all that being said, you might be wondering, “How do I grow my YouTube channel so I can drive more traffic to my website and revenue to my business?”
To help marketers and business owners answer this question, we asked 300 consumers why they most commonly subscribe to YouTube channels.
After looking into the data, we’ll dive into our findings to help you better design effective strategies toward connecting with your audience on YouTube.
Let’s get started.
Why Do Consumers Subscribe to YouTube Channels
30% of respondents said they most commonly subscribe to YouTube channels because the channel publishes how-tos or educational content about their career or industry.
21% of respondents subscribe to channels because the channel publishes how-tos or educational content about their hobbies.
And 17% of respondents said they subscribe to YouTube channels because they post funny or entertaining videos.
To review the rest of the answers, see the graphic below:
So, now that we know why people are subscribing to YouTube channels, let’s dive into how you can use this information to grow your channel.
1. Create educational content about your audience’s career.
As the survey said, the main reason that consumers subscribe to YouTube channels is that they post educational content about their careers.
Think about it. The reason people go online is to find an answer to a question they want (or to be entertained, but we’ll get to that later).
So, a great way to grow your channel is to publish the topics that your audience wants to see. For example, at HubSpot, we publish educational videos on YouTube about marketing, sales, service, and general business content.
All these videos help our audience learn and develop in their careers. Of course, we’d like people to use our software to do that, but you’ll get value out of the video whether you’re a HubSpot customer or not.
2. Publish educational content about your audience’s hobbies.
Now, let’s say that your business isn’t exactly geared toward your audience’s career. What do you post then?
Well, according to the survey, you can post content about your audience’s hobbies. Let’s say that you’re a landscaping company. On your website, you could post content about gardening and really target people who garden as a hobby. Then, there’s a clear conversion path to using your services.
However, …read more
Source:: HubSpot Blog