How to Find Paid Social Media Keyword Ideas From Top Hashtags
By Neil Patel
In the world of digital marketing, content is king. And keywords hold the keys to that kingdom.
They unlock connections to your target market—people who are looking for what you’re trying to sell.
When you’re setting up paid social media campaigns, keywords can help you make those critical connections and ensure your campaign’s success.
Knowing which keywords to use throughout the copy of your campaign can be a pain. If you’re not sure which ones are right, you might miss the mark and, by extension, your audience.
Popular hashtags can be the source of inspiration that gets your paid social media campaigns off the ground.
The Importance of Hashtags in Paid Social Media Campaigns
Why are the top hashtags important for inspiration and keyword ideas? Because they can provide a lot of information if you know how to look for it.
Here are the questions you should ask when looking for hashtags:
- What are people talking about?
- What’s the demand for a particular product or service?
- Is there a rise in interest? Or is the trend on the decline?
- Who is using those hashtags?
- What’s the context of those conversations?
Researching popular hashtags can provide relevant insights into the conversations happening around a topic. Their power is in the data you can mine from real-life, real-time sources.
Top hashtags can also lead to other hashtags and keywords you may not have considered. As you continue to dig deeper, you may start to see some patterns to add to your campaigns.
Be on the lookout for:
- New or up-and-coming hashtags
- Hashtags used by other relevant target markets
- Questions or concerns people are expressing
- Phrases in the associated content that come up often
How to Use Trending Hashtags for Your Paid Social Media Campaigns
First, you have to find the top hashtags. Begin with what’s trending in your industry and go from there. We’ll go into more specifics on different social media platforms later.
As you dive in, explore the content surrounding the hashtags.
How do you use the information you found? It’s all about inspiration. The hashtags, phrases, and keywords you find can inform your paid social media campaigns in the following ways:
- For text: What you’ve learned can be a launching point for your ad’s language. Look at the posts’ content in addition to the hashtags, and incorporate the language people in your target market use. Knowing how people talk about things can teach you how to best speak to the pain points they face and the solutions they love.
- For images: What kinds of images are those hashtags often associated with? Whether you plan to use a stock image in your ad or create your own, let what you find attached to hashtags help determine the type of images you use. You may even find a meme that you can join in on, making your social media ad more engaging.
- For target audiences: Use the hashtag research to inform the parameters of your social ad reach. Who is using these hashtags? Where do they live? How old are they? …read more
Source:: Kiss Metrics Blog