How Often Should You Blog? We Found A Blogging Frequency That Works
By Neil Patel
Do you find yourself often pondering blog-related questions, such as how many blogs per month for SEO? You’re not alone. There is no golden rule, but there are set practices to find the best fit for you, and we can illustrate how.
Blogging frequency is a common struggle for new bloggers and experienced bloggers alike. With so many factors to consider, including search engine optimization and brand awareness, it’s certainly an important thing to have planned out.
In this post, we’ll uncover the blogging frequency we found that works for one specific industry. We’ll show you how we drew this conclusion and how you can do the same for yours.
Why Is Blogging Frequency Important?
Blogging frequency is how often you publish blog posts on a weekly or monthly basis.
There are a number of benefits to finding your ideal blogging frequency.
First and foremost, blog posts allow you to rank for organic keywords. These are needed for driving organic traffic to your site.
A frequently updated blog also increases brand awareness. The more you post about your industry, the more aware of your web presence, your products, and your services your target audience becomes.
Blogging can help your business build trust in the community. Posting relevant content about your industry and regularly updating it will help convey trust and authority to your audience. They will be more likely to convert on your site versus a competitor that rarely updates their content or posts blogs.
For more practical reasons, a blog post frequency helps you to set a standard for yourself or your content writing team. Without a frequency in mind, you may constantly focus on writing blog posts at the expense of other activities. This extends to adjacent teams too, like social media and design, who would greatly benefit from a known frequency so they can prioritize their tasks.
So a blog post frequency gives you both an upper and lower limit, which means you can spend more time and money focusing on other aspects of your business.
Are You Blogging Too Often?
In addition to asking how often do you need to blog, it’s not uncommon to ask what happens when you blog too frequently? Or, is that even possible?
Perhaps you’re thinking the more, the better. As you’ll see in the analysis below, it’s not quite that simple.
You could post daily on your blog. Hourly, even. Will it be your best content, though? Remember that quality is better than quantity in almost all cases. By posting too frequently, you may be sacrificing the quality of your content which itself will have a negative impact on your brand.
What We Learned From Our Data about Blogging Frequency
For this analysis, we’re evaluating eight companies in the CBD industry. To find out how many blog posts they publish per month, we looked at their post sitemaps and calculated the average number of posts per month since January 2022.
We looked at a few metrics when measuring their success.
First, we looked …read more
Source:: Kiss Metrics Blog