How Apple iOS 15 is Impacting Email Marketers [New Data]

Back in September 2021, the announcement of Apple’s iOS 15 data privacy changes triggered a mass hysteria among email marketers, with some even proclaiming that email marketing as we know it could come to an end.
Considering that Apple Mail and Apple mobile devices make up over 35% of the global email provider market share, those fears didn’t seem too far-fetched.
But the question remains – were these fears well-founded or were they false alarms?
Now that enough time has passed to see the impact of data privacy changes, I surveyed 300 email marketers to understand how iOS 15 and GDPR changes have affected their marketing strategies and the steps they took to adapt.
The Impact of Data Privacy Changes
Change can be scary for all of us, but when that change includes reduced visibility into email analytics, it’s no surprise that email marketers were shaking in their boots when iOS15 was announced.
Surprisingly, my survey shows that the changes, while definitely impactful, were not all bad.
While two-thirds of email marketers surveyed report a moderate-to-significant impact on their email marketing strategy, whether the impact was positive, neutral, or negative, is not as clear-cut as you might assume.
For starters, 47% of email marketers say the impact of data privacy changes was neutral on their email marketing strategy. Admittedly, 29% said the changes had a negative impact, but 24% said the contrary, claiming data privacy changes had a positive impact on their marketing strategy.
How is this possible?
To answer this, let’s break down our survey data on the specific ways data privacy changes affected email marketers, and the strategies they took to adapt.
This will help us understand how some marketers made the most out of the situation and came out on top, while others weren’t able to keep up.
How Are Data Privacy Changes Affecting Email Marketing Strategies?
In the survey, I found that 65% of email marketers say they’ve been impacted by both Apple’s iOS 15 updates and GDPR.
I also asked them to share how their email marketing strategy has been affected by each, and interestingly enough, the results were very similar.
Email marketers in both camps were most impacted by the same factors, in the same order:
So what can we take away from this?
For one, these changes have a similar impact whether you are affected by Apple iOS15, GDPR, or both.
More importantly, data privacy changes clearly have a meaningful impact on certain functions that have been core to email marketers’ jobs.
With location-based targeting, click-through rates, open rates, and A/B testing taking a hit, many email marketers have no choice but to adapt. So let’s explore how exactly they did that.
4 Ways Email Marketers Are Adapting to Data Privacy Changes
After the initial panic, email marketers began finding creative ways to reach their target audience and measure the impact of …read more
Source:: HubSpot Blog