How AI Will Change Podcast and Video, According to Riverside's Head of Marketing

By Caroline Forsey

Free Report: The State of Artificial Intelligence in 2023

Podcasting and video are two undeniably powerful opportunities for reaching new audiences and increasing brand awareness.

In fact, there are currently over 140 million podcast listeners in the U.S. alone, and more than 40% of U.S. users report watching online videos each day.

But creating strong video or audio content takes time, effort, and resources. Fortunately, AI is about to shift how every business creates audio and video content — leaving your team with more time to focus on big-picture strategy, and less time on pre-production, editing, and more.

Here, learn why Riverside’s Head of Marketing, Abel Grunfeld, is more excited than ever about the future of audio and video when it comes to AI.

How AI Will Change Podcast and Video, According to Riverside’s Head of Marketing

1. AI will enable podcast and video hosts to facilitate deeper conversations.

As someone who regularly interviews thought leaders for the HubSpot Blog, I’m all-too-familiar with the challenges of thinking of good questions to ask your guests.

And one of the worst mistakes an interviewer can make is asking a guest the same question they‘ve been asked countless times before. It could come across like you haven’t done your research, and your audience might feel that the interview is redundant and doesn’t offer anything new.

Fortunately, AI is a powerful tool for researching your guest and formulating questions ahead of the interview.

As Grunfeld told me, “When dealing with guest-style interviews, AI helps tremendously with research. For instance, it can help you understand someone’s point of view on a given topic and you can then create new questions to see whether that’s still the case, or challenge it and go deeper.”

Consider prompting an AI chat tool to provide unique questions for a given interviewee, or simply to conduct research regarding their company to help fill in the background context you need to facilitate an engaging interview.

2. AI will allow you to test your concept during pre-production.

Pre-production tasks — including on-location shootings, set design, and finding the right talent — can be time-consuming and expensive.

And, as Grunfeld points out, you might have a vision in your head that is difficult to convey to your team. So despite your best efforts, your team might be mis-aligned when it comes to where you’re all headed.

Grunfeld told me, “Within the whole pre-production process right now, when you work with a crew, everything is based on what you say. But maybe the visualization for you is different than for me.”

He continues, “I think what AI allows you to do with tools like Midjourney is take the guesswork out of it and visually show and test your concept so you can determine whether it’s as compelling as what you have in mind.”

Ultimately, AI allows you to save time and resources by ensuring you get it right the first time. As Grunfeld puts it, “AI allows you to create alignment and to be …read more

Source:: HubSpot Blog


Author: Aaron

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