How ad tech gives agencies valuable time to work more efficiently

By Clinch

As agencies seek a competitive edge and strive to deliver high-quality results for their clients, they are looking to save time by optimizing workflows and processes with new tech solutions.

These solutions are often sold with the promise of more transparency and efficiency but with the caveat that everything needs to be done differently. Disruption of the processes is considered an outcome in and of itself. And with thousands of ad tech solutions and growing lists of client demands, agencies’ tech stacks have become increasingly complex — disrupting rather than simplifying their workflows.

“Brands have more demands because there are more channels, more audiences and more data capabilities,” said Oz Etzioni, co-founder and CEO of Clinch. “There’s always room for agencies to improve, and the best way to do that is to understand and identify what is the right technology that will enrich and enhance what you’re doing now.”

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Source:: Digiday


Author: Aaron

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