Google is getting ready to unveil how Chrome’s cookie opt-in model will work, sources say

By Ronan Shields

In July, a single announcement from the Google Chrome team turned the $300 billion digital media industry upside down, turning the subsequent months into a tense waiting game for ad tech decision-makers.

For the uninitiated, Google’s July announcement was that, after years of uncertainty, it would retain third-party cookies in its Chrome browser. This shift from the tech giant’s initial plan to eliminate support completely for third-party cookies within Chrome upended almost half a decade of investment from ad tech companies.

Instead, Chrome will introduce features that allow users to make informed choices about cookie usage, which are adjustable at any time — just how this would look was/is TBD. Long story short, Google has absolved itself of the fate of third-party cookies; the decision to continue using cookies is now in the hands of Chrome users.

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Source:: Digiday


Author: Aaron

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