Featured Snippets Drop to Historic Lows
By Dr-Pete
Posted by Dr-Pete
On February 19, MozCast measured a dramatic drop (40% day-over-day) in SERPs with Featured Snippets, with no immediate signs of recovery. Here’s a two-week view (February 10-23):
Here’s a 60-day view, highlighting this historic low-point in our 10K-keyword data set:
I could take the graph back further, but let’s cut to the chase — this is the lowest prevalence rate of Featured Snippets in our data set since we started collecting reliable data in the summer of 2015.
Are we losing our minds?
After the year we’ve all had, it’s always good to check our sanity. In this case, other data sets showed a drop on the same date, but the severity of the drop varied dramatically. So, I checked our STAT data across desktop queries (en-US only) — over two million daily SERPs — and saw the following:
STAT recorded an 11% day-over-day drop. Interestingly, there’s been a 16% total drop since February 10, if we include a second, smaller drop on February 13. While MozCast is desktop-only, STAT has access to mobile data. Here’s the desktop/mobile comparison:
While mobile SERPs in STAT showed higher overall prevalence, the pattern was very similar, with a 9% day-over-day-drop on February 19 and a total drop of about 12% since February 10. Note that, while there is considerable overlap, the desktop and mobile data sets may contain different search phrases. While the desktop data set is currently about 2.2M daily SERPs, mobile is closer to 1.7M.
Note that the MozCast 10K keywords are skewed (deliberately) toward shorter, more competitive phrases, whereas STAT includes many more “long-tail” phrases. This explains the overall higher prevalence in STAT, as longer phrases tend to include questions and other natural-language queries that are more likely to drive Featured Snippets.
Why the big difference?
What’s driving the 40% drop in MozCast and, presumably, more competitive terms? First things first: we’ve hand-verified a number of these losses, and there is no evidence of measurement error. One helpful aspect of the 10K MozCast keywords is that they’re evenly divided across 20 historical Google Ads categories. While some changes impact industry categories similarly, the Featured Snippet loss showed a dramatic range of impact:
Competitive healthcare terms lost more than two-thirds of their Featured Snippets. It turns out that many of these terms had other prominent features, such as Medical Knowledge Panels. Here are some high-volume terms that lost Featured Snippets in the Health category:
- diabetes
- lupus
- autism
- fibromyalgia
- acne
While Finance had a much lower initial prevalence of Featured Snippets, Finance SERPs also saw massive losses on February 19. Some high-volume examples include:
- pension
- risk management
- mutual funds
- roth ira
- investment
Like the Health category, these terms have a Knowledge Panel in the right-hand column on desktop, with some basic information (primarily from Wikipedia/Wikidata). Again, these are competitive “head” terms, where Google was displaying multiple SERP features prior to February 19.
Both Health and Finance search phrases align closely with so-called YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) content areas, which, in Google’s own words …read more
Source:: Moz Blog