FAQ Schema: A Beginner’s Guide – Neil Patel
By Neil Patel
FAQ Schema: A Beginner’s Guide
I’ve been testing a new SEO hack and it works no matter how old or new your site is. It’s called FAQ schema.
Even if you have almost no links, this strategy can help.
Best of all, unlike most SEO changes. FAQ schema doesn’t take months or years to make a difference — you can see results extra fast, giving your website a valuable, quick boost in the SERPs.
On top of this, your competition might not know about this SEO strategy yet! That’s another reason why you should implement it ASAP.
Google’s Ever-Changing Search Results
Before I dive into FAQ schema in more detail, I want to discuss Google’s ever-changing search results.
Not only does Google change its algorithm regularly, but it also often tests new design elements.
For example, if you search for “food near me”, you see a list of local restaurants along with their ratings.
When you look up a person, Google may show you a picture of that person and a quick overview.
Over the years, Google has adapted its search results to give you the best experience.
For example, if you search “2+2”, Google shows you “4,” so you don’t have to click through and head over to a webpage.
However, FAQ schema markup may be flying under the radar, by comparison.
Here’s what I mean: if you search “digital marketing” you see that I rank on Google. However, my listing doesn’t look like most people’s:
As you can see above, Google has pulled FAQ schema-rich results from my site.
Best of all, I achieved it in less than 30 minutes. That’s how quickly Google picked up the FAQ schema mark-up addition and adjusted its SERP listing.
Just 30 minutes.
You can do the same thing through Answer Cards …read more
Source:: Kiss Metrics Blog