Day one of the Media Buying Summit hits on integration, CMO-whispering and political advertising

By Michael Bürgi

The Fall 2024 Digiday Media Buying Summit kicked off on Tuesday in Palm Springs, Calif., with a leading independent media agency CEO heralding the need for reintegration across many facets of the industry, followed by some guidance on how to better understand CMOs, to a serious discussion on the challenges for advertisers during these last three weeks before the most important presidential election of our lifetime.

The fact is, reintegration is happening across so many parts of the industry, as media options proliferate and creative abilities enable the matching of more personalized content to those options. But re-integration also comes in the form of brand and performance media working more effectively together rather than separately.

In an opening keynote conversation, Kamran Asghar, CEO and co-founder of independent media agency Crossmedia, pointed out that media and creative were separated in the first place for the wrong reasons — financial motivation in the face of diminishing commissions from clients. Although he agrees media agencies should be allowed to make a profit, it needs to happen transparently — not through opaque tactics like principal-based buying.

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Source:: Digiday


Author: Aaron

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