Best Recruiting Software

By Neil Patel
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Are you a recruiter looking to streamline your hiring process? You’re hardly alone in that camp. Thankfully, there’s recruiting software that helps you do precisely that and then some.
In a fast-paced recruiting environment where you need to sift through hundreds of potential applicants with differing strengths and weaknesses, your best bet is adopting an applicant tracking software that allows you to make the best hiring decisions possible.
With so many recruiting software options to choose from, the problem is that it quickly becomes an overwhelming choice to make. No one wants to invest in tools that aren’t entirely useful to their process.
In this in-depth review, I’ll dive into the best recruiting software options on the market, as well as how to pick one that fits your business best without having to deal with the overwhelm.
Let’s get started.
The Top Recruiting Software Options For 2020
How to Choose The Best Recruiting Software For You
If you’re looking for an applicant tracking system (ATS), it’s clear your main goal is to make quality hires for your business in the most efficient way possible.
The question becomes, what criteria do you use to choose the best software-company fit? Here are a few key factors to consider:
Hiring Budget
Your business is unique, and so is the budget you assign to your hiring process.
With a bit of research, you can find an ATS that fits your company without putting you over budget.
If investing in a robust ATS software will save you money by making less bad hires in the long run, save you time by having instant access to large amounts of data, or let you employ less hiring managers, then the investment is well worth it.
In the ATS world, there is a range of prices you can choose from that help you stay on track financially. We’ll dive into more detail on that below.
Specific Features
Are you looking for a hiring system that lets you integrate email campaigns, pre-screenings, or specific candidate analytics?
Is testing a big part of your hiring process? Maybe you’re looking for a basic system that lets you compare applications with straightforward data.
Make a list of the features your business can’t compromise on, and use those as a filter for narrowing your best options.
Usually, additional features like landing pages, automations, planning software, or workflow integrations can be added down the road. This allows you to make the best choice for where your company is now and you can upgrade and build on it later.
Hiring Frequency
You might be a small company with a lower turnover rate. Or maybe you’re a sizable company with more than 500 employees and are constantly looking for new hires.
Your ATS needs to be able to handle the amount of hiring data you’ll be managing daily.
Ask yourself …read more
Source:: Kiss Metrics Blog