These Were The Worst Trends In Social Media In 2021 – And Don’t Expect Improvement In 2022

By Adam

Although President Joe Biden emphasized unity and suggested that we need to stop our “uncivil War,” it is clear that the nation has become more fractured than ever, nearly one year into his term. On various platforms online that can be called anti-social media, this fact has not changed. Although there was previously open disdain for the country before the 2020 elections, it has been able to unify the nation through social media.

James R. Bailey from the George Washington University School of Business, stated that “the most disastrous development in social media was the acceleration of pernicious posts.”

Bailey said that “social media has been a platform for spreading irresponsible ideas for years. However, 2021 was a breakthrough year.” “The 2020 elections are responsible for the majority of this decline, not just because of accusations of voter fraud or the January 6th Insurrection. You are allowed to challenge the results of elections and demonstrate at the Capital. Social media enabled these beefs explode into violent crusades.

It is possible that Americans were not politically active enough or paid enough attention to the issues at one time. However, today it seems like this is all that defines us.

Bailey observed that “It is ironic that democracy was built around the belief that more people would participate, and that collective welfare and individual welfare would improve.” This fundamental assumption is no longer valid.  It was one-hundred ninety years ago. Democracy in AmericaAlexis de Tocqueville made a warning about the dangers of political participation. Thanks to social media, that cautionary note is now a loud scream.

Challenge Accepted

Younger users were not arguing on social media about politics, but it was clear that there were some ominous trends which could lead to more problems.

According to Dr. Dustin York (associate professor of communication, Maryville University), “The micro-level, the most disturbing social media trends in 2021 must be the unacceptable TikTok challenges such as “Slap a Teacher Day,” but at the macro level it has to be continued degradation of teen mental well-being.”

Continue to See Them All

There is no reason to believe that any of this will happen as the year turns to a new one. It will stay divided but business will as usual for the platforms.

“2022 is a continuation and possibly even more chaotic of 2021.” Bailey stated that American were once political four times a year during the presidential election cycle. Every day can be a battle day for the millions of social media users who gather information and share their views. The constant stream of virtual vitriol is just as common. It is likely that there will be some maneuvering within the social media “metaverse”, to be certain. Most of these maneuvers are business-related. Problem is, social media has no business model that is tied to it like manufacturing. You don’t need to be a member of a specific business model in order to gain access. It takes …read more

Source:: Social Media Explorer


Author: Aaron

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