How creator partnerships go beyond awareness and conversions to fuel advocacy

By ThisThat

While brands see creators as a safe bet to boost awareness or drive conversions, they’re missing something. Analyzing influencer campaigns from 2024 uncovered an intriguing trend: that much of the industry isn’t necessarily utilizing or thinking about influencers in the most beneficial way. They’re overlooking the true superpower at their fingertips: influence.

One of the biggest blocks to increasing spend on influencer marketing is measurement. For example, when teams set an objective for their campaign, they often take a familiar route: If the goal is awareness, they focus on reach and impressions; if it’s conversions, they turn to UTMs and sales data. But, creators do more than influence consumer perceptions and behavior in the moment of a single campaign; they do more than reach audiences and drive action — they spark a ripple effect of a growing community and many more actions.

“Influence at scale is a movement, not a moment,” said Max Osborne, founder of ThisThat.

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Source:: Digiday


Author: Aaron

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