How to Add Text to A GIF [Tutorial]

By (Brittany Leaning)

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As a marketer, I’ve created a lot of digital graphics throughout my career. However, it wasn’t until recently that I started looking into creating GIFs. For some reason, I’d always assumed creating custom animated graphics would be a time-consuming process that required a skill set I simply didn’t have.

Turns out, I was wrong. In fact, it’s a pretty simple process.

So, in this post, I’ll teach you one of the most fundamental skills for creating animated graphics — how to add text to a GIF. Let’s get started.

4 Ways to Add Text to GIFs

I’ll show you four ways to add text to a GIF using beginner-friendly tools with little to no learning curve. With these tools, you can modify your GIFs in just a few steps, making the process incredibly easy and blazing fast.

Note: For comparison, I‘ll use these four tools to add the same text to the same GIF. I’m also using the free versions of these apps for the tutorial.

With Gifntext

Step 1: Open the Gifntext website. Upload your GIF directly from your computer or copy and paste the GIF URL into the bar on the homepage.

Step 2: You’ll be redirected to the editor where placeholder text will be automatically imposed on your GIF and, an interactive tutorial will walk you through your options for modifying this text.

tutorial for gifntext

Step 3: Edit your text. For my GIF I changed the text to “It’s Friday”, left the default font as “Impact”, and changed the font color from black to white. Finally, I increased the font size to 93, moved the text to the bottom of the GIF, and set the text alignment to “center.”

editing text with gifntext

Step 4: For finishing touches, I played around with the layers to modify which frames the text would appear/disappear on. Specifically, I set the text to appear in frame 2 and disappear in frame 15. (For context, this GIF has 15 frames).

Modifying frames with gifntext

Step 5: And that’s it! Click the “Generate GIF” button and you’re good to go.

Final result:

Its Friday gif

With Canva

Step 1: Open the Canva website. If you don’t already have an account, sign up for free by clicking the “Sign up” button at the top right of the page.

Creating a gif with Canva

Step 2: Start a new project by clicking the “Create a design” button. You can then set a custom design size or choose one of the suggested sizes in the drop-down menu.

<img alt="Creating gif design with Canva" src="" style="margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;display: block;width: …read more

Source:: HubSpot Blog


Author: Aaron

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