‘Rates aren’t rising at all’: Freelancers lament stagnated rates amidst inflation

By Sara Guaglione

Freelance journalists say rates from large national publications haven’t changed in years – and they’ve had to take on more work, or supplement their income with other pursuits, according to conversations with six freelancers.

Typically, freelance journalists are paid around $0.50 to $1 a word, they told Digiday. But that rate hasn’t changed, despite rising inflation and cost of living. (The U.S. inflation rate from January 2020 to January 2024 increased by 22%, according to inflation tracker Truflation.)

“If I was paid $1,000 for a story in January 2020, I should be making almost $1,200 for that same story today. But I’m not. Rates aren’t rising at all to keep up with inflation,” said Kate Morgan, who has written for publications including The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. Her rates haven’t changed since she became a freelancer in 2015, she said.

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Source:: Digiday


Author: Aaron

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