Why video game advertising is the next premium channel for brands

By Bidstack

For advertisers and creatives, what is most important? Is it campaigns that win the acclaim of peers and industry commentators via premium channels and lofty messaging, or campaigns that appeal to target audiences and deliver mass-market impact via the most appropriate channels?

Across all forms of media, some marketers are falling into the trap of thinking too much about the former and not enough about the latter.

For instance, consider the world of filmmaking, in which ‘The Super Mario Bros. Movie’ is a blockbuster by nearly every measure. Yet, compared to how moviegoers received the movie, the response of professional and industry critics has been less than favorable. On Rotten Tomatoes, the online review forum, critics gave the film a score of 58%, while the audience approval rating was an emphatic 95%. This disconnect resembles the gap between what brands view as premium channels and what the average consumers enjoy and seek.

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Source:: Digiday


Author: Aaron

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