5 Timely Ways B2B Brands Can Conquer Metaverse Marketing

By Lane Ellis

Metaverse marketing for B2B brands professional businessman image

Metaverse marketing for B2B brands professional businessman image

The metaverse — a term coined in a 1992 novel — isn’t done cooking yet, but with a world that needs to eat right now and chefs that need to cook, what do B2B brands need to know to get ready?

Just 18 percent of brand marketing and analytics executives said that they understood the metaverse and how it will affect their brand, according to recently-released survey data.

ListenFirst Chart

Despite limited general understanding of just what the metaverse is and may become, the areas that it will encompass are vast, running the gamut from digital currency and assets and natural language processing to device independence and marketplace commerce, as Gartner recently outlined.

2022 February 18 Gartner Chart

Let’s warp right in and explore five ways that B2B brands can succeed with metaverse marketing, and the pitfalls that savvy marketers must watch out for.

1 — Moving Past A Disconnected Hodgepodge

The metaverse is currently a disconnected hodgepodge of holographic hopes and digital dreams that may or may not eventually reach the sustainable velocity to capture the hearts, minds, and wallets of the public and private sectors.

As someone who’s been around online communications for over 38 years now, it’s hard to not see the metaverse as just another “cyberspace / next big thing” and a variation on a theme already played out by virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), however it’s undeniable that the theoretical promises it holds true could indeed be achievable if the digital stars precisely line up.

Otherwise, the metaverse may face a scenario that marketing cartoonist Tom Fishburne recently summed up in his Marketoonist piece, “The Future of the Metaverse.”

2022 April 22 Marketoonist Comic Image

2 — Avoiding The Siloed Platform Trap

A primary danger the metaverse faces is falling into the siloed social media platform trap, with walled gardens of innumerable metaverse-like instances each owned by separate entities and all not being able to — whether on purpose or otherwise — talk to one another, or even willfully trying to prevent people from leaving their particular slice of metaverse pie.

Despite this danger, as we covered in our weekly Friday B2B marketing news, predictions for adoption of the metaverse have shown swift embracing of the technology. 30 percent of global organizations will offer products or services through the metaverse by 2026, while 25 percent of people will utilize at least an hour each day using metaverse technology, and while it won’t be owned by a single vendor, the future metaverse will likely boost engagement even among enterprise users, according to the Gartner report data.

When it comes to what marketers think about the metaverse, one recent survey found that some 55 percent of marketers said that the metaverse will have a …read more

Source:: Top Rank Blog


Author: Aaron

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