10 Tips on How to Fight Burnout, According to Experts and Data

By pbump@hubspot.com (Pamela Bump)
The beginning of a new year can be filled with excitement and positive change, but a busy lifestyle can still weigh on you, even if you love your job or company. When this happens, you can run into one of the dreaded mental conditions: burnout.
The World Health Organization classifies burnout as a legitimate health condition, saying it’s a “phenomenon” characterized by “feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job; and reduced professional efficacy.”
This condition significantly impacts millennials. As of February 2021, 42% of millennials report feeling burnt out at work. Regardless of age, burnout is a condition that can negatively impact employees and organizations in all industries.
To help you combat bouts of stress, low motivation, or exhaustion, here are 10 ways to fight burnout at work, according to expert sources, data, and advice from fellow HubSpotters.
2. Eat nutritious meals and foods.
4. Use the Pomodoro Technique to ensure that you take breaks.
7. Take time off when you need it.
9. Lean on your support system.
Manage Burnout to Maintain a Happier Work Life
How to Fight Burnout at Work
1. Get some exercise.
Depression and anxiety often go hand-in-hand with burnout, and exercise is a great way to ease those factors. According to Mayo Clinic, regular exercise releases feel-good endorphins and other natural brain chemicals that can enhance your sense of well-being.
Exercise can also shift your mind’s focus away from cycles of negative thoughts and stressors. Additionally, Mayo Clinic says exercise can boost confidence. All of these are things that help ward off burnout.
Pro Tip: It’s possible to over-exercise, which can lead to exhaustion and cause injuries — so don’t overdo it! According to the CDC, 30 minutes of exercise daily, five days a week, is enough for an adult to stay healthy.
2. Eat nutritious meals and foods.
Registered dietician and nutritionist Patricia Bannan says there are four core areas of burnout people should focus on mood, immunity, focus, and sleep. Bannan also says foods containing nutrients can help maintain those areas.
For example, according to Bannan, avocados are a great mood booster because they contain folate for neurotransmitters, magnesium to reduce anxiety, and healthy fats for hormones and brain health.
Bannan also says grapes provide excellent immunity support since they have vitamin K for immune and inflammatory responses.
To boost focus, Bannan suggests olives and olive oil because they contain healthy fats for brain function and memory and vitamin E to protect brain cells. To help with sleep, Bannan says tart cherries provide melatonin and potassium for sleep quality.
Pro Tip: Always …read more
Source:: HubSpot Blog