Do People Still Read Blogs in 2023? We Asked Consumers [New Data]
By (Erica Santiago)
According to our 2023 State of Marketing report, blogs are among the top marketing channels that offer the highest ROI.
Despite numbers showing how blogs can benefit business, some marketers and business owners wonder, “Do people still read blogs?”
To determine where blog readership might stand today, I surveyed 325 people about how often they read blogs. Here’s what I know:
Do people still read blogs anymore?
Do people still read blogs anymore?
As a blogger who writes daily, my findings were encouraging; most respondents (29%) read blogs 1-4 times a month, 18% read every day, and only 17% never read blogs.
The graph below illustrates a breakdown of how often respondents read blogs.
While the percentage of people who never read blogs surpasses that of people who read 1-3 or 1-4 times a week, more people read blogs daily than never at all.
So, we know more people are reading blogs, at least sometimes than not all, but are they reading more or less than in the past? According to our respondents, it’s about the same or more.
57% of people in the survey say the amount of blog content they consume is the same as last year, while 35% say their blog consumption has increased. Only 9% say their consumption is less than the previous year.
You may also wonder how people are reading blogs. Are they barely skimming through or deeply reading the content?
According to the survey, 35% of people skim through blogs most of the time, and 38% do a mix of skimming and deep reading.
13% deep read more than they skim, and only 6% navigate to the information they need as quickly as possible and then leave without reading the rest of the content.
Our research shows blogging is still an excellent way to reach consumers and expand your business. People are still reading blogs; most are doing more than just skipping to the information they want and leaving.
Furthermore, blogging is still incredibly valuable for search engine optimization. Almost a third of marketers use search engine-optimized blogs to attract and convert leads.
To help you grab attention from large audiences — even if they less frequently read blogs — here are five ways to innovate your blog strategy.
How to Get More Blog Readers
1. Experiment with video and text in your posts.
As of 2023, video is the most popular and most effective marketing media format for the fourth year.
Including video in your blog can add depth to your content and boost engagement since people will be compelled to …read more
Source:: HubSpot Blog